외국에서는 한국 딸기가 상상도 못한 맛이라는데!!

도대체 외국 딸기 맛을 어떻길래 한국의 딸기를 사랑한 것일까? 향이 정말 좋지만 막상 먹어보면 한국 딸기처럼 새콤달콤하지 않는다고 해요. 미국에서는 딸기, 배, 수박은 단맛이 거의 없다고 합니다. ​ 그래서 왜 다른것들 하고 곁들이고 토핑해서 먹는지 이제야 알겠더라구요! 우리가 먹는 한국의 딸기는 교접종 입니다. 원산지인 북아메리카와 남아메리카의 두 품종을 교잡시켜서 유럽에서 재배하기 시작했어요.​ 일본 흰딸기인 만년설도 … Read more

NATO Ambassadors Visit the Base of the Nuclear Submarine.

Showing off ‘nuclear alliance’ in close contact with China and Russia It was delinquently revealed on the 20th(original time) that NATO ministers lately visited France’s strategic nuclear submarine base. NATO said in a press release on the 6th that ministers from the North Atlantic Council, the top decision- making body, recently visited the military base … Read more

The Potential Impact of Apple’s Entry into the Banking Industry on Global Finance

In recent times, Apple has expanded its business into the banking assiduity by introducing the Apple Card in cooperation with Goldman Sachs. This move has sparked curiosity and interest in the implicit impact that Apple’s entry into the banking assiduity could have on global finance. This composition will examine the reasons behind Apple’s entry into … Read more